Sunday, October 30, 2016

Lent Holy Week and Easter 2018

English Congregation’s Calendar  2023   

Lent Year A

Lent is a 40-day period before Easter that commemorates the time Jesus spent in the wilderness. In the early church this was a time of preparation for those about to be baptized. Today it is more often regarded as a season of soul searching and repentance for all Christians when we prepare for the joy and celebration of Easter by giving ourselves an annual spiritual check up. It begins with Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday.  (The Thursday before Easter)  If you are a good mathematician you probably realize that there are more than 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Holy Thursday.  That is because early Christians never fasted on Sundays.  They are are excluded from the days of Lent because they are always celebrations of Christ’s resurrection.

The temptations of Christ parallel those of the children of Israel in the wilderness but how different are his responses. The children of Israel were dissatisfied with God’s provision of manna. They remembered the rich foods from their captivity in Egypt and greedily hungered for more so that their physical cravings could be satisfied. (Num 11:4-36) Christ saw his physical hunger as unimportant and trusted in God to provide for all his needs. At Massah the Israelites demanded miraculous signs that revealed God’s presence, totally ignoring God’s constant and miraculous care for them. (Ex 17:1-7). Jesus refused to test God by the use of miraculous signs. The Israelites fashioned a golden calf to worship but Christ turned his back on temptations of worldly wealth and power. Each time he is tempted by Satan, Christ deliberately turned away from the attractions of a self-centered and self-serving world in order to place God’s purposes and the outwardly focused values of God’s kingdom at the center of all he was and did.
Lent is a time for “confrontation with the false self” (Thomas Keating) when we reflect on the responses and behaviors we exhibit that are least Christ like and seek God’s help in rededicating ourselves to God and God’s purposes. This is a time for self-denial and fasting when we give up some of the comforts of our lives in order to make ourselves more available to God.
Traditionally, penitential prayer, fasting, and alms giving mark spiritual disciplines during Lent. Some churches especially in the Orthodox tradition, still observe a rigid schedule of fasting on certain days during Lent, especially the giving up of meat, alcohol, sweets, and other types of food. Other traditions do not place as great an emphasis on fasting, but focus on charitable deeds, especially helping those in physical need with food and clothing, or simply the giving of money to charities. Most Christian churches that observe Lent at all focus on it as a time of prayer especially penance, repenting for failures and sin as a way to focus on the need for God’s grace. It is really a preparation to celebrate God’s marvelous redemption at Easter, and the resurrected life that we live, and hope for, as Christians.
Interestingly the concept of spring-cleaning emerged from the practice of Lent. This was the time of year in Europe when one cleaned house – first physically and then spiritually. I love this idea of connecting our daily lives and routines to the seasons of the church calendar.  However what we “sweep out” or give up at this season should be more than food. It could be soccer or TV or social commitments. We might discuss with our families ways to give up our busyness and focus on the truly important things of God. The time we free up can be used for special prayers and Bible readings, for spiritual retreats and for involvement in local or overseas mission that enables us to focus beyond ourselves and onto our responsibility to those who are hurting and in need.

During Lent it is as though we join Jesus in his walk toward Good Friday and the crucifixion. Our self-denial is a way to enter into the fellowship of Christ’s suffering so that we can identify more fully with those who are chronically hungry, oppressed, in pain or in need.

The Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, noted during a sermon given to the Taiwan Diocesan convention that during Lent we use the religious disciplines of “Prayer, service, scripture study, and sacraments” to effect a “turn around” [repentance] during this season.  I invite all of us at the Church of the Good Shepherd’s English congregation to explore and imagine new ways/disciplines that may transform our solitary walk into one that brings us to a consciousness of journeying with Christ, ever present on our way.

     Calendar  Lent-Easter February 22, 2023-May 28, 2023

February 22 Ash Wednesday----No English Service

February 26 Combined English/Mandarin Service

March 5            Lent 2—Disposition of Ashes [Delayed] 

March 12          Lent 3 

March 19        Lent 4

March 26        Lent 5

April 2  Palm Sunday

April 6  Maundy Thursday Service TBA

April 7  Good Friday Services TBA

April 8  Easter Vigil TBA
April 9  Easter English Service 0930
   Easter Pot Luck Fellowship Lunch and Easter
   Egg Hunt
April 16  Easter 2
April 23  Easter 3
April 30  Easter 4
May 7  Easter 5

Diocesan Annual Meeting May 11-12 in Hualien 

May 14  Easter 6    Mother’s 
   Confirmation and Bishop Lennon Chang Visit

May 21  Easter 7

May 28  Day of Pentecost [Whitsunday]